Serving the Fellowship
Communities only truly become communities when we pay attention to how we spend our time together, and bring intention to the work of building bonds of care and relationship. The simple act of greeting those entering the building on Sunday mornings is an important act of hospitality, as is spending time on Sunday mornings educating our children and youth. |
Volunteering to Serve Volunteers are the lifeblood of our church community. We would not be able to do all that we do without your hard work and commitment. Your time and talent are vital components that help make our worship, our programming, and our caring meaningful and vibrant. We have many opportunities to serve within the Fellowship. |
Every Week Hospitality and Arrangements Team As part of the Worship Program, our mission is “to make life good by fostering spiritual well being.” We accomplish our mission by supporting Sunday services through preparation of the Fellowship Hall for service, greeting members and guests, and preparing and serving refreshments after service. By working together to welcome members and guests, we fulfill the goal of enhancing the sense of fellowship, love, and community within our congregation. RELATE The purpose of the RELATE Team is to educate and guide the congregation toward ever more effective ways of relating to one other through conscious covenantal living. Sunday Greeters Are you a “people” person? If so, we need you to help meet and greet visitors, newcomers, friends, and members before the Sunday morning worship service. UU Connections Team The purpose of the UU Connections is to inform the congregation of events at the District and national level, and to encourage members’ participation in these events and their support of the District and the UUA. The Team also recruits “Chalice Lighters”, who agree to support a new UU congregation in the Florida District, or one building its first church or hiring its first minister. Chalice Lighters contribute $10 up to three times a year to congregations selected by the Florida District Board. Gainesville has about 100 “Chalice Lighters”. Web Team Learn how to update our website and help keep our communications up-to-date. Training is available and gradual experience encouraged so join us and learn how to work in WordPress. Each Month Sparkle Saturday Love to get your hands dirty? So do we! Whether you like to weed, plant or do some heavy lifting, we’d love to have you. Grounds is a great place to get to know others at the Fellowship. We conduct regular grounds mini-work-days on the second Saturday of each month, 9-11 a.m.Come by during that time and pitch in! No need to RSVP, just bring your gloves and mosquito-repellent/sun protection. Newcomers are always welcome, and it is a great way to get to know other people. Each Year Auction Team The Auction Committee organizes the annual Service Auction, our biggest fundraiser and biggest party of the year. This committee finds donors; manages an auction database; determines the date and theme for the auction; coordinates volunteers to arrange for publicity, decorations, live music, menu, beverages; creates/manages a webpage; oversees auction budget and accounting; recruits kitchen, setup, and clean up volunteers. Pledge Drive Team The Pledge Drive Team organizes and prepares for the annual pledge drive that allows the congregation to budget for the upcoming year. |