Archives: Services

Sunday Service, April 16

This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in the Fellowship’s pulpit as we continue our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of “Grief.” James Chase provides our story for all ages, and our Chalice Choir sings under the direction of Derek Nirenberg. Please remember to bring … read more.

The Promise of Flowers – April 9

Please bring a flower to service!
On this Easter Sunday, we will celebrate Flower Communion, observing a UU ritual created by Czech Unitarian minister Norbert Čapek. Rev. Christs is in the Fellowship’s pulpit, and Mary Anthony serves as worship associate. James Chase provides our story for all … read more.

Palm Sunday

Next Sunday, Reverend Christe is in our Fellowship’s pulpit as we begin our exploration of the April Touchstone theme of Grief. A Capella group Resonance provides music, and Anna Deyle serves as worship associate. James Chase  provides our story for all ages. Please remember to … read more.

Spiritual Safety – March 26

This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship’s pulpit. As we conclude this month’s Touchstone theme of Trust, Rev. Christe reflects on the manner in which spiritual reflection may depend on our experiences of safe spaces. In this vein, our Safety Committee members serve … read more.

Celebration Sunday – March 19

March 19 is our Pledge Celebration Sunday! On this day, we act on our covenant by offering our pledge cards as a token of our commitment to the work of UUFG. If you haven’t already returned it, please place pledge form in the offering baskets … read more.

Holi – Day of Colors! – March 5

Holi is rooted in ancient Hindu tradition, marking the ending of winter, the beginning of spring, the triumph of good over evil, and the divine, eternal love of Radha Krishna. This Sunday at UUFG, we’ll celebrate the festival of Holi with a joyful celebration of … read more.

Resilience: Where Does the Rubber Meet the Road? – February 26

This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in the Fellowship’s pulpit as we continue our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of Resilience. In particular, as we begin our spring pledge drive, Rev. Christe considers the qualities of resilience as they connect to stewardship and our … read more.

This I Believe, Continued…

This Sunday, as we explore our monthly Touchstone theme of “Resilience,” we build on last month’s “This I Believe” service. In that service, several of our members presented their own, personal beliefs while reflecting on the values that made them Unitarian Universalists. This time, we … read more.

Side With Love – 30 Days of Love

30 Days of Love is a program sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. It typically runs from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. The UUSC presents these 30 Days as “an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, … read more.