Archives: Services

A Crash Course in Unitarian History

Unitarianism has been a contentious philosophy since the third century.  The Roman Empire wasn’t very enthused, nor were folks in Eastern Europe in the 16th century, nor was the English church in the 17th century, nor were the Puritans/Congregationalists in America in the 18th Century. … read more.

To Be Faith-Full

What does it mean to live a life of faith? To be faith-full in Unitarian Universalism requires a commitment to community and liberation that can be different from other faith traditions. Let’s explore what it looks like to have faith in other traditions and how … read more.

Faith in the Queer Kids Club

When you feel like you don’t belong, where do you go? How do you decide to commit yourself to a community? While there is not an official Queer Kids Club, Unitarian Universalism has been the gathering place of a wide variety of people on the … read more.

Use Your Skills and Interests to Make a Difference

This Sunday, UUFG member Steve Atlas facilitates a service exploring how people can take their varied skills and find unexpected ways to use them to help others in our larger community. Marcia Wolfe serves as worship associate, and James Chase provides our story for all … read more.

General Assembly Sunday Worship

This Sunday, our service incorporates the Unitarian Universalist Association’s video feed of this year’s General Assembly Sunday worship service. Sue Boone serves as worship associate.

Live Stream
If you’re unable to attend, you may watch our live streaming service starting at 10:50 am this Sunday on our … read more.

Hero Creatures, Greatly Small

This Sunday, we welcome Debbie and George Garcia-Bengochea from Gentle Carousel Miniature Horses to our Fellowship’s pulpit. We also look forward to welcoming some of their therapy horses themselves into our Sanctuary. Liz Stewart serves as worship associate, with Ellen and Steve Cecil assisting with … read more.

My Unitarian Universalist Journey

This Sunday, UUFG members Johnathon Coron, Thomas Mareci, and Michael Bass will share their “UU Journey” on June 9. Sue Boone serves as worship associate, and James Chase provides our story for all ages. Jane Kozhevnikova accompanies music on piano. 

Live Stream
If you’re unable to attend, you may … read more.

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Hymns

The UUFG Music Program invites you to join us next Sunday for “A SUMMER SING with SUMMER SWEETS” service. Six of our beloved choir members will introduce and explain why “These Are a Few of Our Favorite Hymns.”  We’re inviting you to sing along with … read more.

UU Principles Applied in the Prison System

This Sunday, Jonathan Coron, a member of UUFG and former wellness education specialist with the Florida Department of Corrections, will share his use of UU Principles in his interactions with and programs for inmates, and occasionally with the staff. Sue Boone serves as worship associate, and Jane … read more.

Buddhism & Free Thought – New Member Welcome

This Sunday, Aaron Broadwell is in the Fellowship’s pulpit, exploring the topic of Buddhism & Free Thought. Tom Mareci serves as worship associate, and Jane Kozhevnikova accompanies music on piano. 

At this service, we will also formally welcome new members to our Fellowship, and we will … read more.