Archives: Services

Beauty Shared

Our guest speaker this Sunday is Keri Shinn, co-founder of Thrive Hive ALC, a self-directed learning community in Gainesville. She is mother of 4 children who have practiced self-directed learning their whole lives. As a world schooling family, the Shinns have traveled the world together, … read more.

Banned Books

This Sunday, we welcome Adam Tritt, who will speak to our Fellowship on the subject of banned books. Adam embodies this month’s Touchstone theme of “Activism.” As an English teacher at Bayside High School in Florida, Adam has collected books currently banned in our state, … read more.

Grace Marketplace

This Sunday, we welcome Leigh Scott, Community Engagement Manger for Grace Marketplace, to our Fellowship’s pulpit. Mary Anthony serves as worship associate, and James Chase provides our story for all ages. At this service, we will also “share the plate” with Grace Marketplace. All non-designated … read more.


This Sunday, we explore this month’s Touchstone theme of “Activism.” Liz Stewart serves as worship associate, and James Chase provides our story for all ages. Please remember to bring a mask.

Backpack Blessing – “Embrace the Ordinary”

School is just around the corner, so this Sunday Samara Powers facilitates our annual Backpack Blessing service. Please bring your child’s backpack – and your own – for a timely blessing. Anna Deyle serves as worship associate. James Chase provides our story for all ages. … read more.


This Sunday, we welcome the Rev. Tracie Barrett from The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Orlando to our Fellowship’s pulpit. Rev. Tracie continues our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of Play. Liz Stewart serves as worship associate. James Chase provides our … read more.

Reports from the UUA’s General Assembly

Every year, the Unitarian Universalist Association facilitates a General Assembly. This past June, thousands of UU’s – including members of UUFG – converged on Pittsburgh for the 2023 GA. This Sunday, we hear from some of those participants as they reflect on their experiences at … read more.

Radical Play: Rest and Resistance

Samara Powers is in our Fellowship’s pulpit, continuing our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of “Play.” James Chase provides our story for all ages, with music provided by our summer choir. Please remember to bring a mask.

We will also “Share the Plate” with Planned … read more.


This Sunday, Evan Waldt and Sarah Hausman present a service exploring this month’s Touchstone theme of Play. Following service, stay for an “Ice Cream Social” in our Phillips Social Hall!

My Spiritual Joy in Writing Cards

Working with the Touchstone theme of play for the Month of July, UUFG member Evan Waldt shares his sermon on the spiritual and joyful practice of letter or card writing.

Please bring your favorite writing device and prepare to sit in groups. As we explore and … read more.